CRISPR/Cas System: Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Genome Editing
Hakim Manghwar, Keith Lindsey, Xianlong Zhang, and Shuangxia Jin

The chromosome-scale reference genome of black pepper provides insight into piperine biosynthesis
Lisong Hu, Zhongping Xu, Maojun Wang, Rui Fan, Daojun Yuan, Baoduo Wu, Wen Li, Christopher A Saski, Henry Daniell, Jonathan F. Wendel, Keith Lindsey, Xianlong Zhang, Chaoyun Hao...
High Efficient and Precise Base Editing of C•G to T•A in the Allotetraploid Cotton (Gossypium h...
Lei Qin, Jianying Li, Qiongqiong Wang, Zhongping Xu, Lin Sun, Tianliang Lu, Keith Lindsey, Henry Daniell, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin, plant biotechnology journal.

- Robust CRISPR/Cpf1(Cas12a) mediated genome editing in allotetraploid cotton (G. hirsutum)
- Population genomics reveals a fine‐scale recombination landscape for genetic improvement of cott...
- Crosstalk between cytokinin and ethylene signaling pathways regulates leaf abscission in cotton i...
- Suppression of tryptophan synthase activates cotton immunity by triggering cell death via promoti...
- Reference genome sequences of two cultivated allotetraploid cottons, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossy...