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Nature Genetics | 华中农大棉花团队破解二倍体和四倍体棉花纤维品质形成的遗传调控共性和分歧

2024年10月29日,国际知名期刊Nature Genetics在线发表了题为“Convergence and divergence of diploid and tetraploid cotton genomes”的研究论文。该研究构建了二倍体亚洲棉和四倍体陆...

Genome and haplotype provide insights into the population differentiation and breeding improvemen...

​AbstractIntroduction: Sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense, Gb) is one of the major sources of high-grade nat ural fiber. Besides the common annual Gb cotton, perennial Gb ...

Genomic innovation and regulatory rewiring during evolution of the cotton genus Gossypium

Maojun W,Jianying Li,Zhengyang Q,Yuexuan L,Liuling P,Xianhui H,Corrinne E. Grover,Xiongming D,Chunjiao X,Pengcheng W,Zhenping L,Jiaqi Y,Xuehan T,Yizan M,Ruipeng W,Xinyuan C,Xin ...