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Defective pollen wall contributes to male sterility in the male sterile line 1355A of cotton.

更新时间:2015-06-12 00:22:43点击次数:字号:T|T
Yuanlong Wu, Ling Min, Zancheng Wu, Li Yang,Longfu Zhu,Xiyan Yang,Daojun Yuan, Xiaoping Guo & Xianlong Zhang.2015.Scientific Reports.


To understand the mechanisms of male sterility in cotton (Gossypium spp.), combined histological, biochemical and   transcription   analysis   using   RNA-Seq  was   carried  out  in  the  anther  of  the  single-gene  recessive  genic male  sterility  system of  male  sterile  line  1355A  and  male  fertile  line 1355B, which are near-isogenic lines (NILs) differing  only  in  the  fertility  trait.  A total  of  2,446  differentially  expressed  genes  were  identified between the anthers of 1355AB lines, at three  different  stages  of  development.  Cluster analysis and  functional assignment of differentially  expressed   genes  revealed   differences  in   transcription   associated   with   pollen   wall and anther development, including the  metabolism of fatty acids,  glucose,  pectin and  cellulose. Histological  and biochemical analysis revealed that a major cellular defect in the 1355A was a thicker nexine, consistent with the RNA-seq data, and  further  gene  expression  studies  implicated  differences  in fatty  acids synthesis and metabolism. This study provides  insight  into  the phenotypic  characteristics  and  gene regulatory network of the genic   male  sterile  line  1355A in upland cotton.