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QTL Mapping for Fiber and Yield Traits in Upland Cotton under Multiple Environments

更新时间:2015-06-29 19:12:10点击次数:字号:T|T
Hantao Wang, Cong Huang, Huanle Guo, Ximei Li, Wenxia Zhao, Baosheng Dai, Zhenhua Yan, Zhongxu Lin .2015.Plos One


A population of 178 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed using a single seed descendant from a cross between G. hirsutum. acc DH962 and G. hirsutum. cv Jimian5, was used to construct a genetic map and to map  QTL for fiber and yield traits. A total of 644 polymorphic loci were used to construct a final genetic  map,  containing 616 loci and spanning 2016.44 cM, with an average of 3.27 cM  between  adjacent markers.  Statistical analysis revealed that segregation distortion in the intraspecific population was more serious than that in the interspecific population. The RIL population and the two parents were phenotyped under 8 environments (two locations, six years), revealing a total of 134 QTL,  including  64  forfiber  qualities and  70  for  yield  components, independently detected in seven environments,  explaining  4.40-15.28%  of  phenotypic  variation (PV).  Among  the  134  QTL,  9 common QTL were detected in more than one environment, and 22 QTL and 19 new  QTL  were  detected in combined analysis (E9).  A total  of 26 QTL hotspot regions were observed on 13 chromosomes  and  2  larger  linkage  groups,  and some  QTL  clusters related to fiberqualities or yield components were also observed. The results obtained in the present study suggested that to map accurate QTL in crops with larger plant types,  such as  cotton, phenotyping  under  multiple  environments is necessary to effectively apply the obtained results in molecular marker-assisted selection breeding and QTL cloning.