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Plant Single Cell Transcriptome Hub (PsctH): an integrated online tool to explore the plant single-cell transcriptome landscape

更新时间:2021-10-20 11:25:27点击次数:字号:T|T
Zhongping Xu , Qiongqiong Wang , Xiangqian Zhu , Guanying Wang , Yuan Qin , Fang Ding , Lili Tu , Henry Daniell , Xianlong Zhang , Shuangxia Jin


As the basic building blocks of all living species, cells play a crucial role in sustaining life activities. Traditional bulk methods only give us molecular insight into tissue, organ or/and individual. With the rapid development of sequencing technology, especially the 10X Genomics based on microfluidic omics, biological research has entered the era of single cell level, which enables us to gain insight into life activities from more microscopic perspective. With this cutting-edge technology, it is now possible to mine heterogeneity between tissue types and within cells like never before. However, the preparation of single cell suspension (namely protoplasm suspension) and the annotation of cell clusters are still two main obstacles faced by single cell research. It is in urgent demands to establish a comprehensive database and exploit efficient tools to analyze such scattered over thousands marker genes of specific cell types from different plant species. Therefore, we developed the Plant Single Cell Transcriptome Hub (PsctH), aiming to provide a comprehensive and accurate resource of cell markers and web tools for various cell types in tissues of plant species.

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